My identity is rooted in God’s love through Jesus.

Ephesians 1v3

Our tendency is to base our identity on what we have, what we do, or what others think of us. Each of those approaches will fail – either ending in pride or shame.

When the above is true, I’ll live with honesty

and vulnerability.

Facing and owning both my brokenness and freedom that comes from not having to be, or pretending to be, perfect. We go below the surface.

When I am rooting deep in God’s love, I’ll have the inner qualities of joy, peace, etc, that are not dependent on my circumstances.

This is faith – both gratitude (God’s love past and present) and anticipation (God’s love in the future); and the steps of personal trust which follow. Being so loved by God will also, ultimately, lead us to love God in return. Worship is another viral expression of this reality.

We’ll lean into our connection with God

John 15; also see Luke 15

This will include daily practices (prayer, Scripture, etc) but not as a task to ‘check off’ but as a cultivation of a conversational relationship (includes listening) with God – our spirit with the Spirit.

Learn about branching out in God’s love.